We Need Your Support!

Please help support Nassau County Democrats. Now is our chance to fight for a better Florida! Your donations help fund our work in Nassau County. Just click on the button above to make your secure online contribution.

What is a Democratic Executive Committee?

The Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) is the governing body of the Democratic Party of Nassau County. The NCDEC is composed of elected representatives from voting precincts in throughout the county. Every county in Florida has a DEC made up of Precinct Captains representing the voting precinct in which they live. In their critical leadership role, Precinct Captains operate at the neighborhood level, linking voters with the DEC, and serving as the backbone of voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts. These efforts include candidate support and ballot initiatives. Our work is focused on local, State and Federal elections. The NCDEC works closely with key Democratic Clubs to support Democratic candidates and promote the Democratic Party throughout Nassau County.

Meetings: 2nd Thursday at 7:00p via Zoom.

Request meeting invite from chair@nassaudems.org


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